15 years maximising the efficiency of natural resources through research and development while developing a range of innovative technologies

RumenTech is a biotechnology company based in Galway, Ireland where it has its research laboratories and offices. The company is built upon over 15 years of research and development, with RumenGlas its innovative offering to agriculture.
RumenGlas is suitable for all livestock production systems to reduce methane emissions by 30% from enteric fermentation.
Our people

Dr. Ruairi Friel: CEO & Co-founder
Ruairi is the founding CEO of GPRumenTech and has 20 years' experience in the biotechnology industry. He has previously co-founded an agri. biotech company and raised approximately €5m.
Ruairi has held senior research positions in several European biotech companies, and worked as an executive within the Technology Transfer Office at the University of Galway, where he was responsible for commercialisation of
technologies relating to biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.
Ruairi received a 1st class honours Bachelor of Science, Biotechnology from the University of Galway, a PhD from the University of Glasgow, and an MBA from the University of Edinburgh.

Prof. Vincent O'Flaherty: CEO & Co-founder
Vincent is the Chairman, Chief Scientific Officer and lead inventor of GPRumenGlas.
Vincent acts as the scientific lead for the Sustainability Pillar in the Dairy Processing Technology Centre, which works on behalf of Irish enterprises to develop the indigenous environmental technology sector. He has 30 years of experience in the area of microbial biofilm and ecology research and is an internationally recognised research leader in the field.
Over the course of his research, Vincent has published over 300 scientific communications, including 95 papers in leading international, peer-reviewed journals. He has also successfully and consistently secured research funding of €10.5 million from national and international programmes.

Mr. Andy Leyland: Business Development Director
Andy is an experienced senior executive with over 25 years international experience in B2C and B2B environments in strategic management, sales, business development, multi-channel marketing, innovation and operational excellence.Andy leads all business development opportunities for RumenTech.